Wednesday, 31 July 2013

The Pharisee or Fishermen Test

by Lonnie Mackley

Whenever miracles begin to happen you can expect anyone with a problem with spiritual pride or jealousy to begin to persecute anyone who looks like they are being used or blessed by God more than they are. Envy and jealousy are not just problems in Jesus day, they crop up whenever anyone walks in God's power. And since we are about to experience a worldwide explosion of God's power you can also expect many modern day Pharisees to come out of the woodwork against those that operate in His anointing. The following test will help you to identify these modern day Pharisees, and it will also help you identify some attributes of those who are true kingdom Fishermen.

Modern day Pharisees:

1. Persecute those who are walking in God's power, rather than praying for or helping them, or growing up enough spiritually to qualify to be used in power themselves.

2. They enjoy having titles or initials of college degrees before or after their names in order so that people will think they are the most special and important people around.

3. Feed off the sheep, rather than feeding the sheep. They try to make people meet their needs, rather than meeting the needs of those they are supposed to be serving.

4. Everything they do is for people to see and secretly admire them. They walk in false humility, and love for people to think they are the most spiritual person around.

5. Love the place of honor. They want to be considered the number one leader, but they shy away from the work and responsibilities that go along with such a position.

6. They make fun of anyone God is really blessing and using in power. They mock, slander, and gossip about people whom the Lord is performing true miracles through.

7. They flatter you to your face, but will do their best to discredit, insult, and malign you behind your back by getting all the dirt and personal info on you that they can.

8. Very controlling people. They do their very best to control everything and everyone around them, and what they cannot control, they persecute until maybe they can.

9. Too good to associate with sinners. They like being around other similar people, but will not go into the streets to help the needy because they think it is beneath them.

10. They do not really love people. Even if they serve people it is with hidden selfish motives, and you will never hear or see them do anything that demonstrates true love.

11. They attribute the works of the Holy Spirit to the works of the Devil. They call the genuine outpouring of God's power demonic, and tell everyone else that it is all evil.

12. They create organizations in order to control and dominate people, rather than allowing and promoting the leadership of Jesus through the direction of His Holy Spirit.

Modern day Fishermen:

1. Rejoice when God is doing miracles through people, and they do their best to help and pray for them. They also work to become empowered themselves to help others.

2. Shun titles. They know that real ministry is just loving and feeding Jesus' sheep and using a title smacks of spiritual pride, insecurity, and a desire to be Lord over others.

3. Feed the sheep and not try to exploit people. They do not use people to meet their own selfish desires, rather they look for ways that they can give instead of receiving.

4. Everything they do is born out of love. They don't even care if God sees the good works they do, they only care about genuinely helping people to grow and mature.

5. They look to honor others above themselves, and actually try to discourage people from honoring them in any way. They look for ways to glorify God and not themselves.

6. It angers and disgusts them to hear of good men and women of God being cruelly and carelessly mocked by those who have not paid the price to walk in God's power.

7. They refuse to flatter people or try to manipulate others to gain an advantage. They never slander or gossip about people behind their back and they rebuke those that do.

8. They never try to control people, they promote the lordship and leadership of the Holy Spirit in peoples lives. They teach people to be dependent upon God, not them.

9. Their heart is to help those who are truly hurting. They would walk through the most dangerous part of town just to minister to one person that really needs God's help.

10. They love people because God's love is flowing through their hearts. God's great compassion and burden for the lost governs their lives and the actions of all they do.

11. They would never dream of blaspheming the Holy Spirit by calling His works the Devil. They have enough discernment to know what is truly of God, and what is not.

12. They steer away from anything that strips God of His rightful leadership over His own people, and their heart is just to allow God to be God in any and every situation.

Now in all fairness, we are all usually a combination of both the Pharisee and the Fishermen to some degree, but as we yield to the daily work of the Holy Spirit He will purge us from all of our Pharisaical qualities, and replace them with the heart of a true kingdom Fishermen. There were some Pharisees in Jesus day that did get saved, and even Paul went from hurting Christians to becoming one of them, and then assisting them. We too must stop walking in the ways of the Pharisee, and walk as Fishermen. If you have either knowingly or unknowingly persecuted Jesus by wrongly persecuting His sheep, then there is a prayer below to help get free from the spirit of the Pharisee.

"Dear Jesus, you have seen how I have behaved like one of the Pharisees of old by the way I have wrongly mistreated, judged, and persecuted some of your sheep at different times. I confess that I have been unloving and I have harbored resentment and bitterness toward certain people of the kingdom, but I don't want to do that anymore. Now I want to walk as a true Fishermen in your kingdom. Please forgive me for any and all spiritual pride, envy, and unrighteous judgment, that I have ever walked in and help me to move from being a critical and condemning Pharisee, to being a kind and truly loving kingdom Fishermen. In your precious name I ask and pray Jesus, amen."

MT 15:10 Jesus called the crowd to him and said, "Listen and understand. 11 What goes into a man's mouth does not make him `unclean,' but what comes out of his mouth, that is what makes him`unclean.' "

MT 15:12 Then the disciples came to him and asked, "Do you know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this?"

MT 15:13 He replied, "Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots. 14 Leave them; they are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit."

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