Saturday, 6 July 2013

Prophetic Word

by Lonnie Mackley

My dear one, you have waited for a long time now and you have faithfully walked through each door that I presented to you. But those doors were only temporary avenues to accomplish my purposes, they were never meant to lead you very far away from your place of training and preparation. Now you have reached a place of true readiness to go forward so a new larger door is about to appear that will lead you into a place of major change where your whole life will be different in just about every way.

You have now ended this phase of your walk with Me and you are about to begin a new leg of the journey that I have called you to travel. Though you have ended the old thing, you have not yet entered the new thing, so try to be patient and just know that you have not gotten off course, you are just in a time of transition. Sometimes I will allow a space of time to exist between the old and new so that once I bring the new there will be no wanting to run back to the old. Now you are truly ready for the new.

You are a new wineskin that is truly ready for new wine so get ready to be poured into until you are overflowing. I will be sending you to many people and sending many people to you in order for My power and miracles to be brought forth so that many would believe in My name and be saved. No matter how many old doors led to only short paths this new door will lead to a very long new path. I have done everything to build your faith so now My precious child expect your new door to appear very soon.

 LK 5:38 No, new wine must be poured into new wineskins.

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