Tuesday, 6 August 2013

What Is God Waiting For?

by Lonnie Mackley

DT 23:14 For the LORD your God moves about in your camp to protect you and to deliver your enemies to you. Your camp must be holy, so that he will not see among you anything indecent and turn away from you.

For many people who have been stuck in the wilderness for what seems like an eternity they have been asking in their hearts, "What is God waiting for?", because things just seem to be dragging on forever. What God has been waiting for is a full commitment to complete and consistent obedience from us. You see, for many of us we have walked in complete obedience for short seasons, but then when things got tough we ran back to our old familiar sin idols. Sin idols are what we run to when we don't trust God anymore, and what keeps us from being blessed and going forward.

The Lord has spent many years revealing "us" to us with both our strengths and weaknesses in order so that we will have all the understanding and revelation we need to fully repent of all that has been limiting God from flowing through us in His full power and blessing. It is no different than the first wilderness with the Israelites where God waited as long as it took until they were actually ready to go to war and take the land. We stand at the threshold of the greatest spiritual war in the history of man, so God will also require us to be legitimately ready to fight and not to falter because of old sin.

The need out there is so great and God has only shut us down in order to grow us up, so that we can reap this critical harvest of souls in these last days. If you have already complied with everything that God is requiring of you then you are blessed and you should pray for everyone else until they too cross the river of holiness into their promised land. If you are ready to truly go forward then take everything that God has given you and put it into practice by fully repenting. This is your day to stand not just for now, but for eternity. As it is in heaven, so it must now be for us on earth as well.

So remember that we are not necessarily waiting on God, God has been waiting for us to commit ourselves to living a consistently obedient kingdom lifestyle. We can no longer afford to have "relative holiness" where we just compare ourselves to how holy or unholy someone else is around us. We must compare ourselves only to the daily righteousness that is practiced in the kingdom of God whether it is in heaven, or the part of God's kingdom here on earth expressed through us. So make the transition to complete obedience today, and then you will be allowed to go forward and be blessed.

DT 11:31 You are about to cross the Jordan to enter and take possession of the land the LORD your God is giving you. When you have taken it over and are living there, 32 be sure that you obey all the decrees and laws I am setting before you today.

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