Many of you who have been waiting on God to finally take your Promised Land have tried everything to make this happen, but He has still been putting the finishing touches on you before battle. Try to be patient if you are not seeing the results you want to because Jericho's walls fell because the people simply rested in the Lord and obeyed Him rather than abruptly attacking. It will be the power of God's Spirit and your obedience to His work that will cause your walls to come down, and they will come down with a great crash very soon!
ZEC 4:6 So he said to me, "This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: `Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty.
Friday, 31 May 2013
God can always give us a fresh start if we're willing to let Him take the lead. Now can be your spiritual Springtime!
Remember, being a forerunner means that others will follow behind you.
Be ready to help others to get through what God has led you through.
Vindication is coming soon so expect God to restore your honor and dignity before those who have unfairly judged you.
The Revival Prophetic Wilderness site and the Spirit-led Recovery site are now ad-free. Enjoy!
The path of obedience is narrowing now, so make every effort to comply
with the changes God asks of you. You will be very blessed if you do!
A new day is starting for you where you will become the head and not the tail. Stay humble, gracious, and forgiving.
Get ready for God to remove the barrier that blocked you socially during
your wilderness. Take it slow and run everything through Him first.
This is a crucial time to sanctify yourself and remain in a clean and
sober-minded state 24/7. God is about to move so stay alert and ready!
For those who feel like they have no more hope or will to go on, God is
about to bring you new life and a fresh new beginning to revive you!
The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
So expect God to be leading you all the way into this life very soon.
I have a word for someone who feels like God has left you. The Lord
wants you to know that He is still with you, and breakthrough is coming!
This is a day of restoration and joy for those who have endured the long
Christian wilderness. So take hope and joy, Springtime has come!
Expect bigger changes in the days ahead that will pull you out of your
comfort zone. But you need these changes in order to move forward.
The body can only do what the mind tells it to, so disciplining your
thoughts with God's word is critical in order to overcome sin habits.
I have a word for someone that needs healing in one of their lower
organs. God knows how serious this situation is and He plans to heal
God doesn't want us looking behind us anymore, only forward. It's time
to make peace with our past, let it go, and move on with our future.
I have a word for someone that feels hopeless and rejected right now.
God has not forgotten you and He will move in your life very soon.
God is going to be moving in many peoples lives soon in a big way,
probably bigger than you might think. Just go with His flow and obey
I have a word for someone that God is going to be doing some
reconciliation with others soon. Forgive, but set healthy boundaries as
The restlessness that you may be feeling lately is actually God doing a
final cleansing before your empowerment, so cooperate with His work.
I have a word for someone that needs healing in their right leg I
believe. The Lord wants you to know that He's going to heal you very
God is going to be increasing your revelation where you will have a
clear focus on your life and getting free from all that's held you back.
I have a word for someone that is praying a do or die prayer and you
need God's help or else. God's already planned to help you, so hang on.
God will not send us where our character cannot keep us, so if you
really want the higher anointing then let God work out your soul issues.
I have a word for someone that needs medical care badly but you don't
have the money for it. Hang on because God's divine healing is coming!
Just like Lazarus, Jesus sometimes waits until we are truly dead in the
flesh and stinking, but rest assured resurrection will come for you!
There is a new video posted on Youtube entitled, "From Survival To Revival". You can watch it here at
I have a word for someone that feels like God is not with them and
doesn't care. This is just a demonic lie, so reject it and press
Remember, "Wherever you go, there you are"; so allow the Lord to get rid
of any remaining character flaws that would hinder you up ahead.
God has removed many from organizational church because He is about to bring them together as a Spirit-led organism.
I have a word for someone that is very worried about your child. The
Lord has heard your prayers, so do not fear and trust Him to be there.
Be who you are, not who you think people want you to be. It's time to
let go of fear and to start enjoying your life as your natural self.
I have a word for someone that is in despair and wanting to die. Trust
that God can pull you out of this ditch and renew your faith again.
If you are a Wilderness Christian life is about to change in a huge way.
This will not be a trial run this time. Hang on and stay strong!
If you're lonely today remember that you are never really alone; God is with you 24/7 and He is always listening.
I have a word for someone that cannot get free of a sin habit. God knows
how hard you've tried and now He's going to send the help you need.
When you ask God to help you to see people and sin through His eyes then
you will be able to love people and hate sin exactly as He does.
In the days just ahead God is going to begin to let you see life through
His eyes and this new level of revelation will transform your life.
Remember that there is more ministry at the link below. Please consider donating if this ministry is benefiting you.
It is time to switch our pleasures from the World to the Kingdom, so ask
the Lord to show you how to feed on Him more effectively up ahead.
Many of you are about to step into a new life with God so try to be
patient and endure the last part of the last lap. God's power is coming!
If you're bored try going back to being more Spirit-led rather than just
maintaining a flesh-driven routine. A Spirit-led day is always fun!
No matter how wrecked your life has become it is never too late with God to being again. Take hope and start afresh.
I have a word for someone that is going to be traveling for God soon. So
get excited and pack your bags because a new adventure awaits you!
If God has been pruning some toxic things and people from your life
don't fight Him or try to get them back. He is doing this for you good.
I have a word for someone that has been crying non-stop and your heart
feels broken beyond repair. Know that the Lord is with you PS. 34:18
God brings our sin and character flaws out into the open in order to set
us free from the power of them, not because He is angry with us.
I have a word for someone that is very lonely right now and you think
that life has no purpose. God is going to add new people to your life.
Whatever you stay closest to will have the most power over you. So if
you stay close to God's truth then the lie of sin cannot control you.
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
Dig Deep Ditches
The Lord has been speaking a word to me for the last few days and that is "Dig deep ditches", and I felt as though He was saying to make things ready to be able to receive the great abundance of the flow of His spirit that is coming very soon. So I looked up a scripture about ditches in the bible and this is what I found:
2KI 3:15 But now bring me a harpist." While the harpist was playing, the hand of the LORD came upon Elisha 16 and he said, "This is what the LORD says: Make this valley full of ditches. 17 For this is what the LORD says: You will see neither wind nor rain, yet this valley will be filled with water, and you, your cattle and your other animals will drink.
God is about to pour a spiritual deluge into your life and the key to start the ball rolling is worship. You may not feel like worshiping at the end of your Wilderness time but if you do the hand of the Lord will come upon you, and then you will receive fresh revelation, strength, and direction from the Lord. So start ditch-diggin'!
2KI 3:15 But now bring me a harpist." While the harpist was playing, the hand of the LORD came upon Elisha 16 and he said, "This is what the LORD says: Make this valley full of ditches. 17 For this is what the LORD says: You will see neither wind nor rain, yet this valley will be filled with water, and you, your cattle and your other animals will drink.
God is about to pour a spiritual deluge into your life and the key to start the ball rolling is worship. You may not feel like worshiping at the end of your Wilderness time but if you do the hand of the Lord will come upon you, and then you will receive fresh revelation, strength, and direction from the Lord. So start ditch-diggin'!
I have a word for someone that is really sick and you think God might
take you home soon. This is a lie so keep believing for God's healing!
Remember, wherever the mind goes the man follows. So take every thought
captive and force it to pass through the truth filter of God's word.
I have a word for someone that needs money badly right now. If you are
willing to sow out of your need, then the Lord will send an increase.
If you want to resist sin then you must discipline your mind to think in
God's truth 24/7. It is the only way to stay free 100% of the time.
I have a word for someone that is deeply hurting over a loss right now.
God wants you to know that He feels your pain and He will heal you.
Remember, no grace means no place, so let go of everything and everyone
that God is done with for now. It's time for you to embrace the new.
I have a word for someone that needs to lose weight badly. Even though
nothing has worked God is about to help you in a new way so hang on.
Try not to worry if there is a long-standing problem that you cannot
overcome. God's grace does come eventually and then you will be free.
There is a new video posted on Youtube entitled, "Ready Or Not, Here God Comes". You can watch it here at
I have a word for someone that cannot have children for some reason but
God wants you to believe anyway because a miracle is coming for you.
Even though you may feel dead and dry right now, there is a powerful wave of God's presence about to hit your life.
I have a word for someone that is afraid of missing God's power because
you still have a sin-habit. Trust that God can do what you cannot.
Some of you may be feeling a sense of restlessness and boredom right
now. This is because the old life is gone and the new is about to come.
I have a word for someone that is praying about making a big financial
decision. Follow God's peace and avoid fear and things will work out.
It's time to truly leave the past in the past and move on with your life
now in God. Forgive others and yourself and start over again today!
I have a word for someone that's been praying about going to college.
God has a calling on your life so trust His Holy Spirit to train you.
Once God gives us full revelation concerning a sin then we need to
repent for good, because the judgment for returning to it will be
I have a word for someone who has been holding onto an old grudge. God
needs you to forgive this person now so that He can lead you forward.
Just like the conductor taps his baton to get the orchestras attention,
God wants our full attention because big change is about to happen.
I have a word for someone that has been asking God what to do with your
life. God has plans for you so be patient, your answer is coming.
Although it may be scary, this is a time to let go of the things of the
world that has hindered you from being one with the Lord. Be brave!
The words to this song have been going through my spirit lately; "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace".
Some days you have to fight to stay out of that dark hole of depression.
Take every though captive and seek God and you will pull through.
I have a word for someone that is grieving over a recent loss. The Lord
is very near to you and He feels your pain so allow Him comfort you.
Making a complete break from sin-habits can be scary, but what is
waiting for you on the other side with God is well worth it, so go for
As we transition from the old to the new familiar things are going to
start feeling foreign so don't be alarmed if this is happening to you.
This site offers a daily prophetic email list that is especially useful for people who are entering endtime revival
If you have any kind of an addiction this website offers free Christian e-course in order to help you to overcome it
I have a word for someone who has been hiding a sin that has been
poisoning your soul. Be willing to get this out in the open as God
Expect to start receiving personal visitations from God during your day
now. Keep things clean for Him and drop everything when He shows up.
There is a new video posted on Youtube entitled, "Letting God Fix Your Foundation". You can watch it here at .
I have a word for someone that has run out of money and is wondering
where how you'll survive. God feeds the birds so trust Him to feed you.
This is a time to let go the of past and move forward anew. Forgive
others, forgive yourself, and expect a brand new start with God today.
I have a word for someone that is waiting on some kind of check. The
Lord is mindful of the great need you are in so trust in His timing.
We may be in the last days of man's rule in the earth but it is the
beginning of the rule of Jesus Christ so we need not fear what's coming.
I have a word for someone that has been asking God what you are supposed
to do with your life. You are about to find out soon so be patient.
God has been changing peoples desires right now, so if you have felt
different lately then it could be this is what's been happening to you.
I have a word for someone who is in business and you have just taken a
huge loss. If you will fully surrender to God you will find His help.
The key to resisting temptation is to take every thought captive and run
it through your truth of God filter before it can become an action.
I have a word for a woman that has been praying for her unsaved son. God
has been watching over him so keep believing; he will be saved.
Trust in God is not about Him doing what we think He should; it's about
us trusting that He will do what's right regardless of what we want.
I have a word for someone that has had their heart broken recently. The
Lord has seen your tears and He is waiting to heal you. PS 34:18
Try not to fear what happens in this world, but rather know that we have
reached the final harvest so God is prompting all humans to repent.
I have a word for someone that is trying to sell their home but no one
is buying. Be patient because the Lord is sending a buyer very soon.
Sometimes God will drive everyone away for a season to spend time with
us. So if this happens try to just accept it and focus on the Lord.
There is someone who has been very ill and you think you are going to
die soon. Don't believe this lie because you are about to be healed!
If you are getting your relationships pruned right now then try to just
trust God and know that something better is about to come along.
I have a prophetic word for someone that desperately needs a financial
miracle right now. God is going to come through so try not to stress.
It's time to make a clean break from the past to a fresh start. God has
new things waiting so let go of the past and grab on to the new.
Breakthrough is very imminent now so finish cleaning up any untidy areas
and be waiting on the Lord ready to move forward at His command.
No matter what you are facing today move closer to God and not farther
away and things will go easier for you. God is always faithful!
There is a new video posted on Youtube entitled, "Your Time Is About To Come".
You can watch it here at .
Remember that no matter what you are going through today that God controls everything in the world and He is just a prayer away!
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